Saturday, January 25, 2014

Narragansett Bay - Governor Francis Farms - Rose Pond Signs of Pollution Saint George Court, Linda Maintanis

It's a well-known fact that Rose Pond is located at the back of, or south side of Saint George Court.
Many locals tell stories of skating on it when they were grade school age. Now it is located outside my
living room window, facing east, the old water tower still stands in a tangle of wild rose vines.
The pond is spring fed; I think that's a good thing to know, that in a pinch you could get your own water...

rose pond, saint george court, warwick, ri, governor francis farms, brown

rose pond, saint george court, warwick, ri, governor francis farms, brown
Last week, Thursday before the storm, I happened
to glance over and around the pond, possibly trying
to spy a deer or beaver.

Instead something jumped out at me.

A large mass of slightly flourescent green sludge which appeared to have traveled down the bank of the pond. Now collected below; it's sheen was compelling. What could it be?

The pond is a part of a chain of waterways that feed
into Narragansett Bay via Occupessatuxet Cove.
Located only 1500 feet from the shoreline of the bay,
it's fresh water is a tiny tributary that allows wildlife a drinking fountain along it's path. From here the
stream winds through Brown's Farm, still owned by a member of the founding families, Henry Brown.
At the shore an estuary is formed.

The Rhode Island DEM was called.

Hopefully there will be no long term damage to the delicate system.

rose pond, saint george court, warwick, ri, governor francis farms, brown
rose pond, saint george court, warwick, ri, governor francis farms, brown

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Governor Francis Farms - Narragansett Bay - Rose Pond Signs of Pollution Saint George Court, Linda Maintanis

It's a well-known fact that Rose Pond is located at the back of, or south side of Saint George Court.
Many locals tell stories of skating on it when they were grade school age. Now it is located outside my
living room window, facing east, the old water tower still stands in a tangle of wild rose vines.
The pond is spring fed; I think that's a good thing to know, that in a pinch you could get your own water...

rose pond, saint george court, warwick, ri, governor francis farms, brown
Last week, Thursday before the storm, I happened to glance over
and around the pond, possibly trying to spy a deer or beaver.
Instead something jumped out at me. A large mass of slightly flourescent green sludge that appeared to have traveled down
the bank of the pond. Now collected below; it's sheen was
compelling. What could it be?

The pond is a part of a chain of waterways that feed into
Narragansett Bay. Located only 1500 feet from the shoreline
of the bay, it's fresh water is a tiny tributary that allows wildlife
a drinking fountain along it's path. From here the stream winds
through Brown's Farm, still owned by a member of the founding families, Henry Brown. At the shore an estuary is formed.

The Rhode Island DEM was called.

Hopefully there will be no long term damage to the delicate system.

rose pond, saint george court, warwick, ri, governor francis farms, brown